1. 女性主义研究的理论与方法,作者:李银河,这本书系统地介绍了女性主义研究的相关理论和方法,有助于深入探讨女性在社会中的地位、权利等方面的问题。
2. 亲密关系,作者:罗兰·米勒,该书从多个角度探讨了人际关系,包括爱情、婚姻等,对于理解人与人之间的互动和情感有很大帮助。
1. “The Psychology of Human Relationships” by John Gottman, which examines various aspects of relationships and provides insights into understanding and improving interpersonal connections.
2. “Interpersonal Communication” by Stephen W. Littlejohn and Arthur A. Stacks, covering different aspects of communication in relationships, including nonverbal cues and interaction dynamics.
3. “The Power of Positive Relationships” by Barbara Fredrickson, exploring the positive impact of healthy relationships on well-being and overall life quality.
4. “Intimate Relationships” by David P. Schmitt, offering a comprehensive analysis of the nature and characteristics of romantic and sexual relationships.
5. “The Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills” by Robert S. Feldman, which includes sections on relationship skills and communication in various contexts.